"Friday Five" - Featuring Dat Dang, Lead Cybersecurity Analyst

March 3, 2023

Target mascot Bullseye, a white bull terrier with a red Target logo painted around his eye, with a rolled up newspaper in his mouth
Tech @ Target

Editorial Team

Our “Friday Five” series features interviews of select members of Target’s technology team and shares a glimpse of who they are as people, what experiences led them to work at Target, and what they are working on in their day jobs. We recently featured Kaylee Edwards from our Architecture team and are happy to share our latest interview with lead Cybersecurity analyst Dat Dang, who has been with Target for just over five years in several cybersecurity-focused roles. 
Read on to learn more about Dat, what sparked his interest in working in cybersecurity, and an awesome quick meal hack that’s a favorite of his – using all Target products, of course! Stay tuned for additional future posts featuring team members from other areas of Target tech.  
What do you like best about the Target tech team? 
“I really appreciate the ‘can do’ attitude of my teammates as well as the desire to share knowledge throughout the organization. This support network is the best I have seen in my professional career.” 
What sparked your interest in cybersecurity and what is your favorite project you are working on now? 
“I started in a Security Operations Center 10 years ago after reading an article on network administrators pivoting to cybersecurity. I joined Target 5 years later after seeing a talk online about a “SOC vs a CSIRT” and knew that was where I wanted to be. 
As a Lead CSIRT Analyst, I work daily in Target's internally developed Event Correlation and Hunting Operations (ECHO) platform.” 
What’s one word you’d use to describe Target tech’s culture? Why does that word come to mind? 
“Team. Whenever I feel I need to understand something better, I know that one of my teammates knows something on the topic and points me in the right direction. My team has ensured I can grow (even in a new hybrid work environment that has many of us working remotely) and keeps us all relevant.” 
How do you ensure you’re continuously learning? What have you been learning lately? 
 “I spend my “50 days of learning” reading books and articles related to the industry. A topic I am interested in is building team culture. As of late, my graduate program in Cybersecurity Management and Policy has been taking up a lot of time.” 
What do you want new or aspiring analysts to know? 
“Technical skills are only one aspect of the job. Balance, stress management, and interpersonal tact are an equally relevant part of the role. Make sure you have time for yourself in addition to work/study!” 
What’s in your Target cart? 
 “I’m a huge fan of the Good & Gather petite sirloin steak paired with Good & Gather Savory Garden Herb potatoes. It’s a super easy meal to make!” 


“Friday Five” Featuring Kaylee Edwards, Senior Engineer – Agile and Engineering Enablement

By Tech @ Target, January 13, 2023
Profile of Target Senior Engineer Kaylee Edwards